Marcel Vargaestok
Business Strategy
Marcel Vargaestok is entrepreneur and teacher. After 5 years in marketing and finance at Procter & Gamble in Budapest he moved to Prague to set up Chefparade – cooking school (www.chefparade.cz). Currently biggest cooking school in Central Europe with branches in Prague, Bratislava and Budapest. Almost 50K happy customers in Prague alone.
Other activities include:
Foodparade – food festival (www.foodparade.cz) – 10K visitors in 2013 it’s 3rd year
Chefparade food-truck – almost 20K portions served in first half year of operation
Chefparade Warehouse – e-shop with 2mil CZK sales in 2 year of operation
He is also founding partner in two other companies (retail and manufacturing). Both running sound and profitable.
Apart from that he works as guest lecturer (over 1,000 people in last 6 years) on leadership and personal effectiveness and writes his blog on business