Ondrej Krajicek
Product Strategy
R&D and Engineering Management
I am a ysofter, a challenger, a strategist with focus on technology, software development and product development. I am best suited to help with technology, software architecture, R&D management and product strategy. My experience comes from software and hardware product development, supervision of product delivery to large, multinational customers, financial aspects of R&D and more.
My career started at Masaryk University in Brno, where I worked, studied and also lectured/tutored between 1999 and 2007. Having had the opportunity to work on several IT infrastructure systems, this was my first exercise in building software systems being both business critical and serving 24/7 to thousands of users.
I am now serving as Chief Research Officer at Y Soft Corporation and Y Soft Ventures. At Y Soft, driving Y Soft products and technologies. At Y Soft Ventures, I am working with different startup companies to support them in their missions, learning a lot in the process. I am acting as a meber of Management Board in Comprimato, representing Y Soft in Barcamp Brno, I am member of IT Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce.