Tag Archive for: Seznam.cz

Startups In Big Companies

This is an invitation for our event next Monday. And a short remark on startups and corporations.

On Monday, October 8th, we hold a meet-up for entrepreneurs with guys from Seznam.cz (Czech internet #1 company, 1000 employees in a few months). It’s about their experience with product management, UX, launch, marketing, PR, …

Some people have asked me why Seznam and startups? What can entrepreneurs learn from corporate guys? I’m sure this is a big mistake of many geeks. I like these words from Saul Klein who worked in corporations and has become one of best investors, a great motive WHY: ‘You learn a lot about scale, you learn a lot about process. Any small company really, hopefully, aspires to be a very, very big company and having worked inside some of those big companies, I’ve a sense for what a small company looks like when it grows up.’ (Read the whole interview by Ivo Spiegel for Kernel.)

This is why it’s really worth coming (if you’re in Prague).